Music & Literature no. 4 (Lispector, Homburger & Guy, Ruefle) — Music & Literature

Music & Literature no. 4 (Lispector, Homburger & Guy, Ruefle)

Music & Literature no. 4 (Lispector, Homburger & Guy, Ruefle)

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"Music & Literature is indeed a very rare journal, in that it gives equal weight to art in all its forms. The quality is extraordinarily high throughout; every piece in this magazine stands on its own." —Nutida Musik (Sweden)

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More than 40 writers, musicians, and translators from around the world gather for Music & Literature’s celebration of Brazilian novelist Clarice Lispector, Swiss baroque violinist Maya Homburger and her partner, the British composer-double bassist Barry Guy, and American poet Mary Ruefle. This expansive number opens with an intimate portrait of the Brazilian legend, assembled through premiere folios of Lispector’s letters and paintings, as well as her candid final interview, while new essays by her translators and a host of international writers complete this 100-page tribute to Hurricane Clarice. Meanwhile, the musical galaxies of Maya Homburger and Barry Guy are unveiled through new twin (and entwined) interviews, a selection of Guy’s graphic scores, and a special Bach Pilgrimage Portfolio, to which the legendary conductor Sir John Eliot Gardiner lends his voice. Finally, this edition concludes with the first comprehensive appreciation of Mary Ruefle’s entire career to date, with sixteen new poems and erasures by the “contemporary Dickinson” herself. Our most ambitious issue yet, Music & Literature no. 4 is a collection that, in its cumulative synergy, captures the wild intelligences of four of this century's indispensable artists.

288 pages; Paperback / E-book edition forthcoming
ISSN: 2165-4026 ISBN: 978-0988879935



I. Clarice Lispector

A Letter to Clarice / Tatiana Salem Levy, trans. Ana Fletcher

Remarks on Clarice Lispector / Mary Ruefle

A Reverence / Micheline Aharonian Marcom

The Last Interview / Clarice Lispector, trans. Benjamin Moser

Seven Questions for Paulo Gurgel Valente / Taylor Davis-Van Atta

Six Letters / Clarice Lispector, trans. Ana Fletcher

An Introduction to the Paintings

Seven Paintings / Clarice Lispector

A Few Notes on Clarice the Artist / Carlos Mendes de Sousa, trans. Ana Fletcher

Clarice Lispector’s “New World of Feeling” / Alison Entrekin

An Interview with Idra Novey / Madeleine LaRue

“Soliloquies of the Irrational Dark” / Johnny Lorenz

Translating Water, Translating Água Viva / Stefan Tobler

Pure Sensation / Sarah Gerard

The World’s Continual Breathing: On the First and Last Stories of Clarice Lispector / Andrea Scrima

Lipstick Traces: Clarice Lispector’s Radiant Nothingness / Rachel Kushner

Near to the Heart of Language / Claudia Lage, trans. Ana Fletcher

The Apple in the Dark at Noon / Adam Morris

For Peter Pan and Puer Senex: Lispector’s Children’s Books / Roy Rosenstein

II. Maya Homburger & Barry Guy

A Descriptive Biography of Maya Homburger

A Descriptive Biography of Barry Guy

Dios los cría... / Benjamin Dwyer

Six Graphic Scores / Barry Guy

An Interview with Barry Guy / Declan O’Driscoll

An Interview with Maya Homburger / Declan O’Driscoll

A Synopsis of Time Passing... / Barry Guy

Five Poems / Kerry Hardie

SPUN / Mats Gustafsson

Lighting Out for the Territory: Barry Guy’s Fizzles / Brian Lynch

An Education in Listening / Barra Ó Seaghdha

The Bach Pilgrimage Portfolio / Sir John Eliot Gardiner / Maya Homburger / Valerie Botwright / Hildburg Williams

III. Mary Ruefle

A Mind of Surplus / Rachael Allen

A Conversation with Mary Ruefle / Bradley Harrison

Eight Poems / Mary Ruefle

Mary Ruefle’s Erasures / Carey Wallace

Eight Erasures / Mary Ruefle

Life through Every Conceivable Hour / Timothy Kercher

Someday I’ll Be Dead / Rachel Hurn

There Is No What Happened / Michael Klein

In the Cradle of All There Is / Jason Koo

A Guide in the Mist / Stephen Sparks

Radical Compassion / Bethany W. Pope